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2017/ 10 / 27 Let’s make kamishibai ~ 紙芝居を作ろう 3 ~

Today in ESS we continued to work on our kamishibai project. Everyone worked very hard sketching, coloring, and cutting. Thanks to our teamwork we are making good progress!


2017/ 10 / 17 Let’s make kamishibai ~ 紙芝居を作ろう 2 ~

Today in ESS we worked on our kamishibai project again. Bunkasai will be here before we know it so we are trying hard to finish the drawings. Then we plan to practice the show a few times before Bunkasai. Until then we'll keep working hard every ESS session!


2017/ 10 / 13 Let’s make kamishibai ~ 紙芝居を作ろう 1 ~

Today in ESS we worked on our kamishibai project for the school festival. We will be doing the story, Little Red Riding Hood. We started drawing and coloring pictures which we will use to tell the story. We can't wait to see the final product!


2017/ 8 / 3 Let’s play Bingo ~ ビンゴで遊ぼう~

Today in ESS we played Bingo! First each student wrote a topic on the board like sports, countries, jobs, etc. Then each person wrote one word under each topic like baseball, Germany, chef, etc. then each student got a blank Bingo board and filled in each space with a word of their choice. Finally we played Bingo and the first 3 people to get Bingo won candy! It was a lot of fun!


2017/ 7 / 26 Let’s play Uno ~ ウノで遊ぼう~

Summer ESS! Today in ESS we played Uno. Some students had camp and other plans so we had only a small group today. We played two games of Uno and then said our goodbyes to Alice, who is going back to Canada next week. Thank you for joining us Alice, we'll miss you!!

夏休みのESS! 私たちはウノで遊びました。何人かの生徒は学校行事であるキャンプに行っていて、少人数のESSでした。私たちはウノをして遊びました。

2017/ 7 / 5 Fun game ~楽しいゲーム~

Today in ESS we celebrated America's Independence Day! We played a team quiz game in two groups. The topics were American geography, history, food, sports, and people. We were able to learn a lot about the US and had fun too!

今日は、アメリカの独立記念日をお祝いしました! そして、2グループに分かれて、クイズをしました。お題はアメリカの地理・歴史・食べ物・スポーツです。

2017/ 6 / 28 Fun game ~楽しいゲーム~

Today in ESS we split up into pairs and chose between two board games. The first game was called "My favorite ~ ". Each piece on the board has a noun on it like season, foreign food, or even day of the week. When you land on a square you have to answer the question that your partner asks:

What's your favorite city?
My favorite city is Tokyo?

The second board game had many different questions you ask your partner in order to get to know them better. Some of the questions were: "What's your strong point?" "If you had 1 million dollars what would you buy?" and "Can you run 1km without a rest?".

Everyone did very well and got to know their partner too!

「あたなの強みは何?」 「もし100万ドル持っているならば、何を買いたいですか?」 「あなたは、休憩なしに1キロ走れますか?」

2017/ 6 / 7 Quiz show ~クイズショー~

Today in ESS we had a Quiz Show! We broke into 3 groups of 5 people each. First, each group had to think of a team name that included a number, a color, and an animal. Then we had to answer multiple choice questions. The questions were from different categories such as Geography, Sports, Language, Weather, etc. The most difficult was: Which country won the last Soccer World Cup? No team got it right! Do you know the answer???


2017/ 5 / 17  Let’s play “ BINGO” ~ビンゴで遊ぼう~

Today in ESS we played Bingo! We split up into 6 groups and each group had to write 8 words based on 6 topics: jobs, hobbies, colors, cities, drinks, food. Then we all sat down and made original bingo sheets by choosing 4 words from each topic to fill 24 spaces in the bingo sheet. It was really fun!


2017/ 5 / 15  Let’s play “ Jenga” ~ジェンガで遊ぼう~

Today's ESS was a special meeting! Usually we don't have a chance to meet on Mondays because of tests the next day BUT this week we were able to have a Monday ESS club meeting. Many girls were busy with preparations for the sports festival but about six girls came today. We played English Jenga and asked each other original questions using words written on the pieces. We had a lot of fun and are looking forward to next time!


2017/ 4/ 26  Fun game! ~楽しいゲーム~

Today in ESS, we played games in small groups. Jeff brought in a board game and we ask each other questions in order to move forward. Questions like: "Do you have any siblings?"; "What's your favorite amusement park?"; and even "Do you believe in ghosts? It was a lot of fun and we laughed a lot.


2017/ 4/ 5  Make a comic ~コミックを作ろう~

In today's ESS we wrote our own lines for a comic! Jeff gave us a 6 panel comic with funny pictures about a boy whose homework was stolen by a crazy dog. It was interesting! One of the student also shared her experience in Portland during spring vacation. She said she ate many kinds of food like tacos, donuts, pizza and was able to watch some American TV shows.


2017/ 3/ 18 Fun game ~楽しいゲーム~

Today was our first ESS during Spring Vacation! Many students were busy so only the junior high students were able to attend today. Today we learned a new game called Guess Who. It's very popular in the United States and Jeff told us his memories of playing that game with his family. We were able to practice many English phrases and vocabulary describing people. Hopefully next time we can play with the senior high school club members also!


2017/ 2/ 27 Presentation ~プレゼンテーション~ 

Today in ESS one of the student made her presentation on Suo-Ooshima in Yamaguchi prefecture. She talked about the beautiful ocean views, delicious oranges, and interesting sea life of the island.
Then we made our activity calendars for February which included three things we all did this past month, written in English.
It was a fun day!

今日は、生徒が山口県の周防大島についてプレゼンテーションしました。彼女は美しい海の景色、          おいしいオレンジ、島のおもしろい海の生活について話しました。彼女のプレゼンテーションを聞いた後は、今月にしたことを英語で3つカレンダーに書きました。