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2018/ 8/ 1 Let's make comic books ~漫画を作ろう~ 

Today in ESS we drew 6-panel comics. We formed pairs and had to come up with an original story which included the three phrases: Cool; Don’t touch my shoe with that; I have a headache. Each group produced a creative and fun comic. It was a great challenge!

今日のESSでは6個のパネルに漫画を描きました。3つの言葉を含んだ漫画を作らいないといけません。「かっこいい」「私の靴にさわらないで」「頭が痛い」 それぞれのグループが想像力豊かに面白い漫画を作りました。すばらしい挑戦でした。

2018/ 7/ 11 Let's play board game ~ボードゲームをしよう~ 

Today in ESS we played a partner board game with the new exchange students. The board game had 13 spaces, each one with a question that you had to ask your partner like “what did you do last weekend?” or “what country’s food do you like best?” We all had a lot of fun!


2018/ 6/ 22 Draw one panel ~パネルに絵を描こう~ 

Today in ESS we made comics! Each group had 5 minutes to draw one panel us by English. Then they passed the comic to the next group who who had 5 minutes to add another pane to the comic. Each group drew and exchanged comics until all 6 panels were completed. It was a challenge but a lot of fun.


2018/ 6/ 6 Let's play board games ~ボードゲームをしよう~ 

Today in ESS we played a new board game where we had to talk about daily activities we do. The game included questions like "Talk about your favorite TV show" or "Where do you like to hang out with friends?". The questions they had to ask and answer were determined by two colored dice that each student threw. We all had a chance to practice speaking with new ESS members in a fun, relaxed atmosphere!


2018/ 5/ 30 Let's play games ~ゲームをしよう~ 

Today in ESS we played games! We separated into 4 groups and played Guess Who, Jenga, Uno, and A-Go. Each game had English phrases that the students had to use with their partners. It was a great way to get to know our new club mates!

今日のESSでは、4つのグループに分けて、「誰か推測しよう」「ジェンガ」 「ウノ」 「A-GO(えいご)」のゲームをしました。それぞれのゲームでは、パートナーと英語で会話をしました。このゲームを通して、お互いをよく知ることができました。

2018/ 5/ 25 Make comics ~漫画を作ろう~ 

Today in ESS we made 6-panel comic strips! The goal was to use three phrases that we decided beforehand: "It's raining cats and dogs," "interesting," and "nice story bro". Each pair had to make an original comic story that included 2 of the 3 phrases. Everyone had a completely different story; it was great!


2018/ 5/ 23 Telephone game ~伝言ゲーム~ 

Today in ESS we played the Telephone Game. We made three rows of 5 students. The first person in the row had to whisper an English phrase to the person behind them, and so on, until the phrase got to the last person. Then the last person had to say the phrase out loud to the group. The goal is to pass along the English phrase perfectly, but it's tough! We all had a good time hearing each group's final phrase!


2018/ 5/ 9 Welcome party ~歓迎会~ 

Today in ESS we had a welcome party for the exchange students and new first year students. Everybody brought some snacks and drinks and we even had some music. Everyone was able to get to know their ESS club mates in a casual and fun setting. Hopefully we can have another party around Halloween time!
