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2014/04/23 メンバー大増員!!(Large number of new members!!)

In this April, a lot of students joined ESS!!
Then number of ESS member is more than 30 like a new class.
Now, we will try some speech contests, translation volunteer and summer camp etc.
If you can speak English, your life will be spread out all over the world!!
"Let's do our best."


2013/2/22 Potluck party (ポットラックパーティ)

In our last meeting of the 2012 school year, we enjoyed a potluck snack
party and played AGO (**http://www.agocardgame.com/Japanese.html) interview
and rock scissors paper games. Thank you to everyone who attended, and good
luck with your studies!
2012年度最後の部活で、ポットラックスナックパーティと、AGO(エイゴ、こちらをご覧ください http://www.agocardgame.com/Japanese.html)インタビュー&じゃんけんゲームをして楽しみました。出席してくれたみんな、ありがとう。勉強、がんばってね。

2012/10/28 Sanyo Culture Festival 2012 (山陽女学園文化祭2012)

On the 28th of October, 2012, on Sanyo's cafe stage, we performed a play of Momotaro - Peach Boy, the popular classic Japanese tale in which a boy and his friends courageously fight the ogres and restore the treasure (and peace ) to their people.
We are now producing a short movie of our performance of Peach Boy, which is coming soon to this webpage. A preview of our movie can be viewed here.

Thank you to Corina Bona for the great video on how to make a paper plate ogre mask:


素晴らしいビデオで、紙皿を使った鬼のお面の作り方を教えてくださったCorina Bonaさんに感謝いたします。

2012/10/26 Jack-o-lantern Carving Party: (ジャコランタン作成パーティー)

In the spirit of Halloween, we carved some big pumpkins that came from a friend of Daniel's in Miyoshi.


2012 Summer Watermelon and Farewell Party: (スイカ と お別れパーティー)

We ate a big watermelon, sang songs, and wished farewell to Sarah, one of our exchange students who went back to the U.S.A.
