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2016/12/21Christmas party~クリスマスパーティー~

Today, we had a Christmas party. Anna and Inka bought us two Christmas cakes. They were very delicious. Thank you, Anna and Inka !! We talked about each country's Christmas. It was a very nice party and we enjoyed it a lot!
By the way, Anna and Inka will go back to their countries in January. We hope they had a great experience in Japan and want to keep in touch with them.


2016/12/07 Lets' learn about American geography~アメリカの地理について学ぼう~

Today's ESS was about American geography.
We all shared names of states that we all knew of, but had no idea where they were located! Working together we labeled the map with all of the states' names and Jeff told us a little bit about each state. For example: Minnesota is famous for having friendly people, when you think Texas think BIG, and you can go surfing and snowboarding in the same day in California.
We also planned our Christmas party and decided which cakes we will order!


2016/11/30 Speech about each countries~それぞれの国について~

Today in ESS we had presentations from our exchange students, Anna and Inka.
Anna talked about her home country, Germany, and taught us many things about the food, history, and famous people.
Inka presented on Finland and then gave each of us a Moomin postcard, and let us try some traditional Finnish candy called, Salmiakki. It was...unique!
The Japanese students had many questions and we all learned a lot. Thank you Inka and Anna for your great presentations!


2016/11/16 English Game ~英語のゲーム~

Today in ESS we played the "Getting to Know You Game"
Students first think of 13 funny, silly, or interesting questions they want to ask their partner. Today's questions included:
What's your favorite musical genre?
Are you a cat or dog person?
Your favorite Japanese city is...?
Then they play an original board game and ask these questions as they try to get to the finish line first.
It was a nice break from all the hectic preparations of the school festival!



2016/11/3 School festival ~文化祭~

For this year's school festival we put on a Kamishibai performance. It was called “ Urashima Taro”.
We drew the Kamishibai’s pictures, and then we practiced reading the story many times.
We did a performance in front of many people. We did it! It was a good memory for us.

私たちは、絵を描き そして、何度も何度も物語を読む練習をしました。


2016/4/27 English Games ~楽しい英語のゲーム~

Today we played “Jenga” and “Uno”. These games are very nice. They were really fun activities.


2016/04/20 2016's ESS ~2016年度ESS~

This year we have a small group. We only have about ten people in ESS.
But we will do some activities. I hope they can enjoy thier time in ESS.


2016/2/17 A farewell party for Meha ~メイのお別れ会~

In February,we had a farewell party again. This time, we did some Japanese games. First we made “paper crane”. We explained to her how to make it in English. It was kind of difficult to explain it ,after that we did “Fukuwarai”. We could make funny faces.
We had a great time.


2015/12/17 A farewell /Christmas party ~お別れ会とクリスマスパーティー~

In December, we had a farewell party
Some exchange students are going to go back to their countries in January.
That’s why we had a farewell party. After that we had a Christmas party at the same time.
We talked about each country's Christmas. It was good that we could share our own Christmas traditions.


2015/ 6/ 14 Summer BBQ Fun ~夏の楽しいバーベキュー~

In June, We went to Arukadia village to have a BBQ. Before this, we did some activities.
It was really fun. After that we ate very delicious food. It is good for us to eat outside.
It was a good experience for us!


2015/ 4/ 20 2015's ESS ~2015年度ESSの活動~

This year also, we have a lot of students in ESS.
This year, we will do some activities like a BBQ or summer camp.
We will enjoy the year!
